Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Getting high is so exciting that in a micro second it takes me to Mount Everest, or even higher, heaven! When I was a kid I was told to behave well, eat well, dress well and even pee well. Still I'm digging well and doing hell. I feel so blessed when I remember how everyone was willing to help me, teach me all the stuff they thought were right. Mom ,dad, sis, bro, cousin, my neighbour, my neighbour's son, relatives from north pole and even my dog, everyone was better than me and tried to make me just like them - "Fit for the Society".

I was lazy, they said. I could not walk a mile in an hour. Oh mama! you haven't seen me rolling a paper. My drama teacher said I was a misfit to play Akbar- The Emperor, because she thought I could not act. Well she was absolutely right, who told her to take my audition when I'm playing King myself. Yeah, It happens when I allow weed to flow through my blood vessels. And when one day that same teacher caught me red handed doping next to the Principal office, she proved she was really a drama teacher. I got suspended for two weeks. First, I thought it was fun but after assessing the quantity of home work, Oh hell, next time I would better be doping in washroom.

I remembered that night during family dinner, I used to hate being around dad when I was a real kid because of his smoking but today I just wanted to sit along with him as long as I could. My assets, cigarette, paper and weed were snatched away from me. I realized that night being around with my dad was not that much boring than I thought it would. He smelled so good.

However, I decided to quit weed, I had to behave well you know. But later at night, I heard my mom crying and sobbing. My dad, shouting and grunting. He was drunk like a maniac and beating her. I think he puked on her too. That's not a big issue because she washed out her clothes gently. But the marks of my father's care and respect were on her face. She tried to washed them out too but all in vain. My brother said she was thrashed because I was an addict. Everyone reminded me that for days ,weeks. I looked at my father, he was an addict too. No one pointed any finger on him because Alcohol is legal in this country and Marijuana is not. Then I looked at myself and my few weed-mates, we were so calm and compose, even if you tell us its a flood or terrorist attack we would leave the place after everyone have left. Not like those stampedes you see in temples and big fairs.

There is a general saying that weed wipes out the mental ability of a person and creates a retard personality. That is the reason why it is ban. But I think, and lots of my fellas thinks the same, that an alcoholic person harms himself and others. But if there is any harm in consuming weed then it sticks to that person only. 

Alcohol leads to argument which further attracts fighting, which further causes injury. On the other hand weed leads to judgement which further generate ideas and further develops understanding.

Nothing comes free, if you are nothing you are free. Little we need to live and a lot we need to wish. I just don't understand why people make fuss about someone's choice. They give silly stupid reasons to stop you to follow your heart. And the most silliest is 'This is India'. I know this is India, rather I would be more interested in you if you say 'This is America' . 

I just don't care what you say, what you feel about me but I care when I see you in others shit. Yeah, I smoke hash but at least I create my own shit. You enjoy complaining and die. I'll enjoy rolling paper and die after you. Because I had it all. I have seen saints betraying their gods. I've seen people even loving odds. I am not a follower of light, I don't believe in miracles but I have faith in peace and I believe in change. 

If it is right, you can't stop it. If it is wrong, you can't make it.
So it's better to give a room to new thoughts and think over the old ones, everything you are being told is not always right. There are a lot of things world hates because they are taught to hate them all.


  दैत्य   झुँझलाहट की कोई ख़ास वजह नहीं सुना सकूँ इतना ख़ास हादसा भी नहीं , नुचवा लिए अब ख़्वाबों के पंख नहीं यहाँ तक कि...